Disclaimer: Please be aware, these are just my thoughts and my points of view. I do not have the authority to judge anyone, to preach to anyone or to try and convince anyone of anything. If you are offended by Religion, Faith or God please do not read this blog. If you are not a Christian please read this with an open mind or do not read it at all. if this blog offends you in any way, please accept my apologies, it was not meant for you.
So I’ve started studying a Certificate in Evangelism. Mainly because I want to learn more about the Bible and God. I feel there is so much to learn and just ‘reading’ the Bible won’t cut it 🙂
As you all know from previous blogs, I have grown up with a strong Faith and totally believe in God and can tell you about how/when God has touched my life the most.
When I decided to ‘return’ to the Church I was ‘told’ by God that it would change my life… and it has 🙂
BUT I am someone who loves to study, loves to learn and likes to know and understand things that I am doing or are interested in. So, since returning to Church I have struggled with what I am ‘meant’ to be doing. I know that might sound strange to you, but it sometimes eats me up.
I often say to my Pastor (well anyone who is in the Church that wants to listen really 🙂 ) ‘Give me a checklist”, “I just need to be told what I am and are not allowed to do”.
I feel so ‘dumb’ sometimes. I can never remember feeling like this as a child going to Church. Perhaps it’s because I am older now, or it interests me more. I’m not sure really, but I really really really want to understand the Bible totally and try my hardest to live for God.
I have a lot of strong opinions on a lot of things and if I am going to need to change them, then I need to work through why/how etc to get me to the changing point. I can’t do that if I don’t understand or even know what I’m meant to be doing.
I also stress about not being able to help people with their own journey towards God if I don’t fully understand. I sit with people and talk about all types of things, but each time the Bible and/or God comes up I stop having input. I judge myself, doubt my knowledge and therefore stop contributing to the conversation.
I love God so much, and I know my passion would fascinate so many people, but most of them won’t see it, as I won’t share my thoughts in fear of saying something wrong or advising someone incorrectly.
I can’t have a discussion with you about anything to do with God and the Bible and I really want to be able to do that… So many people have so many ideas/beliefs/questions around God and the Bible and I need to be able to have open discussions with them. I want to be able to help them love God the way I do.
So wish me luck… 🙂
And if you want to talk to me about anything, life in general, my faith or anything else, connect with me on Social Media 🙂
p.s only a quick blog today to set up for the coming ones 🙂
These blogs will not have the ability to comment as I do not want to have any negative comments on here. But if you would like to reach out to me, you can by direct messaging me on Facebook (Messenger) => https://www.facebook.com/sonya.noonan1