I have shared a little with you all about my journey, but for the moment I want to jump ahead a little bit to a program that I have just completed for the 2nd time. Yes thats right, I did two 6 months of this program because I wanted to get as much as I could out of it. The Program is a Mastermind Program by Julie Lake – if you want to check it out, go here –http://www.julielake.com.au/mastermind-program/
The course got us doing lots of things that we would never have done ourselves without some prompting. But it was fantastic. It has lead me to where I am today, living a life that is ridiculously happy and aiming to have everything I have ever dreamed of having.
Today I was talking to a client who has a lot of ‘stuff’ going on in her life at the moment. When we had finished talking about what was going on, she asked me how were things with me. My instant response was, it is great, and it truly is. I still have a lot of ‘stuff’ going on myself, but I’m not living that ‘stuff’ I’m breezing through it.
I’m not sure if that makes sense, but by doing this course I have learnt not to get swallowed up with what is going on. I’ve learnt to live in the NOW, to know that right now, at this very moment, I have everything I need. I have learnt to love myself and appreciate how awesome I am. I have learnt to feel my feelings – yes I know that sounds weird but it is true 🙂 I will tell you more about that in the future.
If you want to have a better life, if you want to learn to feel your feelings, if you want to learn how to live in the now, then check out Julie’s website and get in touch with her, I promise you, you won’t be sorry.
I am not an affiliate for Julie, I genuinely appreciate all her help in changing my life and I want to share her with the world so that everyone can change their life 🙂
Question: What have you done that has changed your life?