Have you ever meditated? Most people have, for the ones that haven’t they picture someone sitting with their legs crossed, wrists resting on their knees, thumb and middle finger held together, eyes closed and ‘ummmm’ coming out of your mouth.. This is not how I do meditation 🙂
Wikipedia describes Meditation as a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit[1] or as an end in itself.[2] It goes on and explains Meditation in-depth, I would suggest all of you go over and have a read.
Last night I started a new 8 week Meditation Course with Jackie White at Being Divine. There were 6 new people and Jackie was talking to them about how she runs her meditation and how it works etc. This got me thinking about my first time I did meditation with Jackie. I remember it was a cold Thursday night and I was running late (as always), stressed out of my mind.
When we started Jackie got us to write down everything that was running through our mind at that time, our stresses, our to do list for when we had finished meditation that night, tomorrow’s to do list. We had to write down everything so that we could relax during meditation. I did this and I had so much running through my mind that I think I could have kept writing for quite some time.
Back before I started Meditation my body would ‘hum/buzz’ with everything that was going on, it was like I was running on adrenaline all the time. Life was so busy and so out of control and I just had to keep pace. I didn’t really feel stressed, but I felt that constant buzz of adrenaline all the time.
The first night we did mediation I remember thinking, I don’t think I’m doing this right, I just seem to be sitting here. But the more I have done Meditation, the ‘deeper’ I go and now doing meditation feels so awesome and so relaxing and it lifts your vibrational energy up so high.
After a few weeks you can see the change in your mood, feelings, energy levels. I was no longer humming/buzzing and running on adrenaline. I was calm and peaceful and I would often catch myself quickly shutting my eyes, taking a deep breath and connecting to my heart space when things felt out of control. Don’t get my wrong, my life was still crazy busy and I still had to keep the pace, I just didn’t feel stressed or have the adrenaline running through me.
If you have ever thought about doing meditation, or even if you haven’t. I would love for you to take the first step and start, just 15 minutes a day is all it takes. You can go on YouTube and find guided and unguided mediation clips, or iTunes and get the same. Or you can find someone like Jackie White and physically go to the mediation classes.
Question: Have you ever done meditation before? Do you enjoy it? What benefits have you got out of meditation?