We all have emotional baggage, sometimes we have baggage around stuff that we didn’t even realise we were carrying around with us still. Over the last 2 years I have been addressing all my baggage in many different ways. With my Life Coach, through Kinesiology, Theta Healing, Meditation, Positive Affirmations, the list goes on. And I cannot tell you how much better I feel because of it. More confident, happy, excited about life. Then one day I was introduced to Tapping. For me Tapping is like the icing on the cake (and I love icing :))
Tapping was introduced to me by my Business Coach. I was really struggling with a decision I had to make because I had a lot of emotional baggage attached to that decision. After one of our training sessions he told me that he wanted to try a technique ‘on’ me that he has found useful in the past when dealing with emotion baggage. At this stage I was up for anything, so I said ‘why not’. He took me through this technique called Tapping and it just blew my mind. By the end of the session I had let go of the emotional baggage and within 4 weeks I had made the decision I needed to make and had moved on.
What is Tapping, I hear you ask.
Well if you go to Amazon and read the review on Nick Ortner’s book The Tapping Solution, it describes Tapping as – Tapping, also known as EFT, is a powerful tool for improving your life on multiple levels: mental, emotional, and physical. It has been proven to effectively address a range of issues—from anxiety, chronic pain, addiction, and fear, to weight control, financial abundance, stress relief, and so much more. It’s also one of the easiest and fastest practices to learn. You can learn it in minutes, do it anywhere and on virtually any issue, and oftentimes experience immediate results.
How does it work? Based on the principles of both ancient acupressure and modern psychology, tapping concentrates on specific meridian endpoints while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations. Combined with spoken word, tapping helps calm the nervous system to restore the balance of energy in the body and rewire the brain to respond in healthy ways.
What do I Tap on?
Every time I get angry over something, or feel sad, or something upsets me I have a process that I work through. I sit with that feeling, connect with it, try and sort out in my mind what is going on, what is being reflected to me, or why I reacted the way I did, then I tap on it. Tapping helps me release those feelings so they don’t keep coming up time and time again. Just recently I have tapped around my ex-husband not paying maintenance; I had to do a presentation in front of a group of business women and I was over the top nervous; I had to go and meet with a client whom makes me nervous as he is so nasty all the time, I had been putting it off for ages but it got to the point where I just had to do it. Those are just some examples of how Tapping has helped me.
Who can Tapping help?
I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me about a young girl she know who suffers from Anxiety and it was preventing her from getting a job as she was too scared to do the interviews. I can tell you right now that Tapping would help this girl. Tapping would help her connect to her fear and over come it.
Then I was talking to my sister about how a young girl she knows was told by her teacher that she couldn’t do a certain type of sport as she was too fat and too unfit. This is such a horrible thing to tell a young girl and the Teacher should not be teaching. But what is worse is that the young girl will carry this criticism around with her for a very long time if she doesn’t deal with how it made her feel right now. By Tapping on the feeling those words make her feel and the words themselves she would be able to overcome any negative effect the experience has had on her.
I am going to use Tapping to assist me on my weight loss journey, I will be sharing this with you all in future blogs.
But basically anyone who has emotional, physical and mental issues (so everyone), the use of Tapping, combine with Self Awareness would be of benefit to them.
Question: Have you heard of Tapping before? Do you use it? How has it helped you?