Think and Grow Rich: The Original
Author: Napoleon Hill
Sonya’s Review: Ok so I ‘found’ this book after being recommended to read You Were Born Rich. After listening to You Were Born Rich I discovered that it was based on the teachings from Napoleon Hill, so I reasearched him and found Think and Grow Rich. I then discovered that this book was based on the mind of Andrew Carnegie, so I reasearched his book as well 🙂
Think and Grow Rich has over 80 Millions Copies Sold, so it is a highly recommended book. What I find facinating is if there are so many copies sold, why aren’t we all Rich??? The answer to that is that its because we do not follow the book, we don’t form a mastermind group and we don’t follow the 13 steps recommended.
So if you are reading the review and you want to read this book, please reach out to me and lets form a mastermind group and work through the book implementing those 13 steps 🙂
And like normal, this is a MUST read type of book 🙂
Publisher’s Summary
The 13 Steps to Riches described in this audiobook offer the shortest dependable philosophy of individual achievement ever presented for the benefit of the man or woman who is searching for a definite goal in life. It comes directly from the experiences of hundreds of America’s most successful men.
Hill interviewed 504 people, including Ford, Wrigley, Wanamaker, Eastman, Rockefeller, Edison, Woolworth, Darrow, Burbank, Morgan, Firestone, and three United States presidents. The process of conducting these interviews required an investment of 20 years of Napoleon Hill’s life.
This audiobook will guide many to success, and has sold millions of printed copies for nearly three quarters of a century. Yes, one can gather from the title that the starting place for wealth is in a person’s thoughts – and this title is the source for most of today’s motivational speakers. So why not go back to the original source?
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