As the Welcome Page says, I am on a journey of continued growth, sometimes that growth happens so fast that I don’t know what has hit me, and other times I feel growth is not happening.

Over the many years of my growth journey, I have lost some people who were a big part of my life, but they didn’t want to grow with me so slowly drifted away. 😞 😞 BUT I have ‘gathered’ some people who are totally amazing and are wanting to either grow with me or support me in my growth journey.
Sometimes growth happens without me even realising it and other times I sit and have to make a decision that will either lead me to growth or keep me where I am. Usually, when I am at the stage where a decision needs to be made, I will always take the growth road, even if it scares the crap out of me.
Part of my journey is about Mindfulness Spirituality and Happiness. Mindfulness helps me be still, connect with my inner self and listen to where I really want to go and what I really want to do. Spirituality gives me a sense of belonging, of feeling loved. Happiness is the path to achieving my goals, this is achieved through helping others achieve their dreams, through doing what I love and being who I want to be.
I believe totally in the Law of Attraction, Positive Affirmations, and connecting with your heart. I use many Holistic Health techniques to improve myself, these include Barrs, Kinesiology, Theta Healing, Tapping, Meditation and working with a Life Coach.
I have been in business since 1998 and have worked with some awesome business people. Had some fantastic Business Coaches kick my butt and met the most amazing business owners along the way.
One of my good friends whom I have known for over 30 years calls me Positive Polly… she can’t believe that with everything I have been through that I can be so positive… don’t get me wrong, I sometimes get ‘down’ or feel ‘overwhelmed’ ‘stressed’ ‘hurt’ ‘lonely’ etc… but I try hard to never allow it to last longer than a day… I go to bed at night and tell myself that tomorrow is going to be a great day 🙂
*side note* I have suffered from server depression and anxiety since early 2019… this time has been really hard for me and some days the want to give up has been strong, but the ‘inner’ more has always been there, fighting to get out and never give up. now heading into 2023 I have started working with a Mindset Coach and things are looking up.
The Beginning

Many years ago I went to my doctor because I was feeling ‘down’, he told me he wasn’t going to put me on antidepressants, I just needed to go away and sort my life out… That was the first time I seriously sat down and looked at my life and saw the reasons I wasn’t happy and decided to do something about it…
Around that time I was turning 30. Turning 30 for me was a very very hard time of my life… I have always been a ‘goal girl’ and when I was turning 30, nothing I had set goals for (mind you there weren’t clear focused goals at that time of my life) had happened and so many other things that I hadn’t planned had happened.
So after a few months, I pulled myself together and decided to ‘sort my shit’ / ‘set focused goals’ and move forward.
I set two goals – to own investment properties and to end my marriage before I was 40 (sorry Tony). It took me 4 years before I could build up the ‘courage’ (for want of a better word) to ask my husband to leave. Once he did, I was like, ‘crap now I actually have to look after myself and my children and sort my shit out’… take control of my life.
That’s when all the personal development started… slowly but surely I was moving forward, I started working with a business coach and pushed myself out of my comfort zone.
People of Influence

A few years later I joined a business networking group called BNI… I had never heard of BNI before and really had no idea what it was about, but I just followed my instincts (something I do often) and joined.
BNI has a motto ‘Givers Gain’… It is all about, helping others to achieve their goals and in return, they will help you achieve your goals.
If you would like to hear my BNI Story please click on the following Image for the Link:
There were so many inspirational business owners in the room and I quickly became friends with most of them… I made quite a few close friends and had many coffees with them discussing all things spirituality and business.
One friend, Evan, gave me a book called You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor. This lead me to read and learn from Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) and Andrew Carnegie (I so would have loved to have met him).
I started raving about these books, talking to everyone I could about them, asking them if they had read them etc… then I got curious, if so many people had read them and loved them as I had, then why were they all living amazing, abundant, happy lives????
The Answer – you have to actually be willing to take action and make changes. You can read the book as many times as you want, but unless you take action and make changes in your life, or follow it word for word then nothing will happen.

One thing that I recognised early on was that, although I can be disciplined when needed, I respond well to having someone hold me accountable and point me in the right direction, so I can achieve what I want.
I often say to people ‘If you want to be an Olympic Champion, you don’t just have a ‘coach’, you have a Food Coach, a Strength Coach, a Performance Coach, a Style Coach etc etc.. So if you want to become a Champion in life, then why wouldn’t you have a Food Coach, Life Coach, Business Coach, Career Coach, Fitness Coach etc etc.’
People often don’t appreciate themselves as much as they should and don’t put the ‘effort’ into their lives as they should.

So I started working with my first Life Coach and she introduced me to Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Jerry & Esther Hicks. Then I discovered Tony Robbins, Dain Heer and John Demartini and that’s when my life went from moving forward slowly to moving a bit faster 🙂
I discovered the power of Affirmations and it changed my life… I may have gone overboard and bit and sat down and wrote out all the affirmations I believed I needed. I read them every morning.
Then I kept searching and kept adding to my list until it was taking me over an hour to read all my affirmations… 🙂 So I stopped 😞
A few months later I discovered Zig Ziglar and returned to my affirmations. Although iI went through them and chose the ones I ‘really’ needed to be using at that time 🙂
Affirmations work, let me tell you they really work, but you have to do it right. The more I learn and develop the better effect my affirmations are having…
To learn more about affirmations and see some of my affirmations, please go to my Affirmations For You page -> HERE
Daily Gratitude

Gratitude helps people feel more positive. It also helps us realise that life isn’t only full of drama, disasters and bad things.
When we talk about gratitude, most of us think that we need to be only grateful for the BIG things, but this is not true, we need to start our gratitude with the ’small’ things. Things like the smell of something, or something that someone did for you, or something that you achieved that has taken you forever to achieve, or that you got to sleep in this morning, or that a stranger smiled at you today.
We need to be grateful for many different reasons, but if we take the time to acknowledge things and be grateful for them, then more ‘good’ things will come our way 🙂
I try to do a daily gratitude post on my Instagram and Facebook page and Twitter account every day, so be sure to go there and share with me what you are grateful for 🙂
To learn more about Daily Gratitude and see some of my Daily Gratitude questions please go to my Daily Gratitude page -> HERE
Vision, Mission & Core Values

Although I have goals, one of the things that have been missing from my life is a vision, mission and core values.
During 2019, as I went through my ’slump’, that destroyed a lot of my life (not intentionally), I decided that I needed to live with more intention, more purpose, not just have a random goal, but a goal that is connected to my personal Mission, Vision and Core Values.
So I worked with my Life Coach on my Core Values. Spoke to a few close friends about my Vision and Mission. Read a few books (listed below) and worked out what my Vision, Mission and Core Values are so that I can live life with intention and not just always be in a reactive mode.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R Covey
What Matters Most – the Power of Living Your Values – Hyrum W Smith
If you would like to read what my Vision, Mission & Core Values are you can click on the following links 🙂
Sonya’s Personal Vision, Mission & Core Values
Well, my path of continued growth would not get anywhere without the information I have gained from books.
I have read around 100 books and have probably around 150 more on my wish list. Every time I talk about books with people they tell me about their favourite books and I add them to my wish list. Some I read straight away, and others sit there for a few years.
If you have a favourite book that you would like to share with me, message me on messenger or email me
You can also see the books I’ve read and the books that are on my wish list by going to my Books Page => HERE
I just love learning from books, love talking books with people and love hearing what their favourite books are and why 🙂

In 2013 I discovered Podcasts and like books, they are a big part of my continued growth. I now subscribe to so many podcasts that I don’t get a chance to listen to them all 😞 😞
But if you would like to see what Podcasts I listen to and why then you can go to my Podcast Page 🙂 => HERE
We all live in a busy world
Life today has so many gadgets and gizmos, you would think that with all the advancements in technology we would be sitting back and living a dream life, but instead, we are busier than ever before. If our Grandparents saw how we lived they would be totally confused with all the busyness…
Let’s all work together to leave the drama behind, to work on loving ourselves, looking after ourselves and helping each other have happy, healthy, successful lives. 🙂
Let’s create a community of loving supportive people working together on this goal.
May God Bless you all…
Sonya xx