Book Review – The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

Author: Michael E. Gerber

Sonya’s Review:  Ok, so when I say that You Were Born Rich was my first book that I started with, I totally forgot about this one.  I was given The E-Myth by my first business coach back in 2004.  I read it, I instantly fell in love with it. 🙂 

I am a systems person, I love going from business to business helping them implement systems. 

I have read this book time and time again and it is so right in everything.  I have seen businesses go from start up to adolescent and then go backwards as they don’t know how to grow.  Implementing systems is the best way to overcome this. 🙂 

Have a read, then do a systems analysis of your business (or get me to do one for you 🙂 )

Definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

In this edition of the totally revised underground best seller, The E-Myth, Michael Gerber dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business. He walks you through the steps in the life of a business, from entrepreneurial infancy, through adolescent growing pains, to the mature entrepreneurial perspective, the guiding light of all businesses that succeed, and shows how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business, whether or not it is a franchise. Finally, Gerber draws the vital, often overlooked distinction between working on your business and working in your business. After you have listened to The E-Myth Revisited, you will truly be able to grow your business in a predictable and productive way.
©1955, 2001, 2003, 2004 Michael E. Gerber (P)2004 HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

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Book Review – The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You’ll Ever Need

The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You’ll Ever Need

Author: Scott Pape

Sonya’s Review: A friend gave me this book to read in a hard copy and at the time I couldn’t get it on audible so I started reading it on the plane when I was travelling once.  Most books make be fall asleep, which is why I listen to them instead 🙂 BUT this book kept me rivieted for the whole 3.5 hours that I was on the plane.

I then brought it for all my family for Christmas, joined a facebook group of other people reading it and generally told everyone about it. 🙂  I have had friend buy the book for the family as well 🙂 

Like most of my books, this is a guide to changing some part of your life, and this is about your finances.  Read it, follow it and have success 🙂 


As  you can guess, definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

Fully revised and updated for the 2019-2020 financial year 

This is the only money guide you’ll ever need. 

That’s a bold claim, given there are already thousands of finance books on the shelves. 

So what makes this one different? 

Well, you won’t be overwhelmed with a bunch of “tips” or a strict budget (that you won’t follow). 

You’ll get a step-by-step formula: open this account, then do this; call this person, and say this; invest money here and not there. All with a glass of wine in your hand. 

This book will show you how to create an entire financial plan that is so simple you can sketch it on the back of a serviette…and you’ll be able to manage your money in 10 minutes a week. 

You’ll also get the skinny on:  

  • Saving up a six-figure house deposit in 20 months
  • Doubling your income using the Trapeze Strategy
  • Saving $78,173 on your mortgage and wiping out seven years of payments
  • Finding a financial advisor who won’t rip you off
  • Handing your kids (or grandkids) $140,000 checks on their 21st birthdays
  • Why you don’t need $1 million to retire…with the Donald Bradman Retirement Strategy

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. 

This book is full of stories from everyday Aussies – single people, young families, empty nesters, retirees – who have applied the simple steps in this book and achieved amazing, life-changing results. 

And you’re next. ©2019 Barefoot Investor Pty Limited (P)2019 Audible, Inc.  

PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.


©2018 Barefoot Investor Pty Limited (P)2018 Audible, Inc.

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Book Review – The Happiness of Pursuit: Find the Quest that will Bring Purpose to Your Life

The Happiness of Pursuit: Find the Quest that will Bring Purpose to Your Life

Author: Chris Guillebeau

Sonya’s Review:  Ok, so as I said last week, I have read all of Chri Guillebeau’s books and like all of them this one is amazing 🙂 

I love listen about other peoples stories and the way this book is written makes everyone seem so exciting 🙂 

Have a read of this, and chellenge yourself to do what you really want to do 🙂 

Definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

A remarkable book that will both guide and inspire, The Happiness of Pursuit reveals how anyone can bring meaning into their life by undertaking a quest.

When he set out to visit all of the planet’s countries by age thirty-five, compulsive goal seeker Chris Guillebeau never imagined that his journey’s biggest revelation would be how many people like himself exist – each pursuing a challenging quest. And, interestingly, these quests aren’t just travel-oriented. On the contrary, they’re as diverse as humanity itself. Some involve exploration; others the pursuit of athletic or artistic excellence; still others a battle against injustice or poverty or threats to the environment.

Everywhere that Chris visited he found ordinary people working toward extraordinary goals, making daily down payments on their dream. These “questers” included a suburban mom pursuing a wildly ambitious culinary project, a DJ producing the world’s largest symphony, a young widower completing the tasks his wife would never accomplish, and a teenager crossing an entire ocean alone – as well as a do-it-yourselfer tackling M.I.T.’s computer-science course, a nerd turning himself into real-life James Bond, and scores of others writing themselves into the record books.

The more Chris spoke with these strivers, the more he began to appreciate the direct link between questing and long-term happiness — how going after something in a methodical way enriches our lives — and he was compelled to complete a comprehensive study of the phenomenon and extract the best advice. In The Happiness of Pursuit he draws on interviews with hundreds of questers, revealing their secret motivations, their selection criteria, the role played by friends and family, their tricks for solving logistics, and the importance of documentation.


©2014 Chris Guillebeau (P)2014 Random House Audio

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Book Review – Born For This: How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do

Born For This: How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do

Author: Chris Guillebeau

Sonya’s Review:  This wasn’t the first Chris Guillebeau book I read, I have actually read them all 🙂 I love everyone of his books.  

This one continues down the line of finding your purpose, working in a ‘job’ that you love.  

But like all these types of books, you have to take action once you have read it.  There is no point in reading books like these unless you are going to take action 🙂 

And ov course, a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

Have you ever met someone with the perfect job? To the outside observer, it seems like they’ve won the career lottery – that by some stroke of luck or circumstance, they’ve found the one thing they love so much that it doesn’t even feel like work, and yet they’re getting paid well to do it.

In reality, their good fortune has nothing to do with chance. There’s a method for finding your perfect job, and Chris Guillebeau, the best-selling author of The $100 Start Up, has created a practical, actionable guide that can help you turn your passion into paychecks – whether within a traditional company or business, or by striking out on your own.

But finding the work you were “born to do” isn’t just about finding your passion. Doing what you love is great, but if you aren’t earning a pay check, it’s a hobby, not a career. Those who jump out of bed excited to go to work every morning don’t just have jobs that tap into their passions. They have jobs where they can lose themselves in the flow of meaningful work for hours at a time.

This intersection of joy, money, and flow is key to what Guillebeau will help you find in this book: work perfectly suited to your unique interests, skills, and experiences. Whether by launching a side hustle that turns into a profitable business, “hacking” your dream position within a traditional job or organization, becoming a “DIY rock star” by fashioning an entirely new profession around your varied interests, or building your own mini empire as an entrepreneur, this book will show you how to find that one job or career that feels so right, it’s like you were born to do it.


©2016 Chris Guillebeau (P)2016 Chris Guillebeau

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Book Review – Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

Author: Simon Sinek

Sonya’s Review:  Ok, so I had known of this book for a while, but it never hit my ‘To Read’ list.  Then oneday at a conference it was brought to my attention again as we were all given a copy 🙂

So, I did what I always do and download the book to my Audible app 🙂 

Then I listened to it and read it at the same time on the Plane on the way home 🙂 

This Book changed how I was training and coaching people.  And even though I had read many books on your purpose and your vision, this book was the begining of understanding that we all needed a WHY in what we are doing.  Why did you go into business? Why did you move to that town? What is the prupose of what you are doing? Where is it taking you? 

If us, as individuals or as businesses understood our Why, which makes up our Vision, Mission and Values then how awesome would our life be, we would be getting out of bed everyday with a purpose, a reason.

Have a read 🙂 

And of course, definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their successes over and over?

People like Martin Luther King, Jr.; Steve Jobs; and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all started with why. Their natural ability to start with why enabled them to inspire those around them and to achieve remarkable things. In studying the leaders who’ve had the greatest influence in the world, Simon Sinek discovered that they all think, act, and communicate in the exact same way – and it’s the complete opposite of what everyone else does. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be led, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with why.

Any organization can explain what it does; some can explain how they do it; but very few can clearly articulate why. Why is not money or profit – those are always results. Why does your organization exist? Why does it do the things it does? Why do customers really buy from one company or another? Why are people loyal to some leaders but not others? Starting with why works in big business and small business, in the nonprofit world and in politics. Those who start with why never manipulate, they inspire. And people follow them not because they have to; they follow because they want to. Drawing on a wide range of real-life stories, Sinek weaves together a clear vision of what it truly takes to lead and inspire. This book is for anyone who wants to inspire others or who wants to find someone to inspire them.

©2009 Simon Sinek (P)2010 Gildan Media Corp

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Book Review – The Go-Giver

The Go-Giver

Author: Bob Burg & John David Mann

Sonya’s Review:  Ok, so this was the book I was meant to be reading when I ended up reading The Go Getter 🙂 

This book came highly recommended and upon listening to it, I fell in love with it and have listened to it many times. It does help that it is about the same Givers Gain concept that BNI believes in and in actual fact Ivan Misner has been interviewed on the Go Getter Podcast 🙂 

There are so many great lessons in this book and they are all told in story form 🙂 

If you do nothing else this week, make sure you read this book 🙂 

Definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

“Most people just laugh when they hear that the secret to success is giving. . . . Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were.”

The Go-Giver tells the story of an ambitious young man named Joe who yearns for success. Joe is a true go-getter, though sometimes he feels as if the harder and faster he works, the further away his goals seem to be. Desperate to land a key sale at the end of a bad quarter, he seeks advice from the enigmatic Pindar, a legendary consultant referred to by his many devotees sim­ply as the Chairman.

Over the next week, Pindar introduces Joe to a series of “go-givers”: a restaurateur, a CEO, a financial adviser, a real estate broker, and the “Connector” who brought them all together. Pindar’s friends teach Joe the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success and help him open himself up to the power of giving.

Joe learns that changing his focus from getting to giving—putting others’ interests first and continually adding value to their lives—ultimately leads to unexpected returns.

Imparted with wit and grace, The Go-Giver is a classic bestseller that brings to life the old proverb “Give and you shall receive.”

Nearly a decade since its original publication, the term “go-giver” has become shorthand for a defining set of values embraced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Today this timeless story continues to help its readers find fulfillment and greater success in business, in their personal lives and in their communities.

This expanded edition includes the text of the original business parable, together with a foreword by Arianna Huffington, a new intro­duction, a discussion guide, and a Q&A with the authors.

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Book Review – You Were Born Rich

You Were Born Rich

Author: Bob Proctor

Sonya’s Review:  Ok, so this was one of the very first books I listened to.  A good friend of mine told me about it, actually gave me a hard copy, then I downloaded the audio 🙂 

And like all the books I have read, you must take action, reading it will not get you anywhere.  The book gives you a step by step guide to discovering success.  And infact, success might be really close, you just have to rearrange a few ideals 🙂 

I have relistened to this book many times 🙂 

And again, a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup for the Soul the master storyteller; Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal development, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker. When it comes to systematizing life, no one else can touch him. He is simply the best. Bob Proctor collects thoughts like Imelda Marcos used to collect shoes. He strings them together in exquisite arrays, one thought leading logically to the next until a whole method has been constructed.

In You Were Born Rich, Bob Proctor has done it again, this time taking you step by step to the surprising discovery that success is not always reaching out for something that you don’t have but rather only reaching over and rearranging the pieces already there. The great value of this audiobook is that you can instantly apply the conclusions to your own life. It will begin to impact you long before you reach the last chapter.

PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.


©2015 Bob Proctor (P)2015 Gildan Media LLC

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Book Review – The School of Greatness: A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy

The School of Greatness: A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy

Author: Lewis Howes

Sonya’s Review:  I heard about this book on a podcast I was listening to, it was highly recommended.

I feel this book fits in well with other books that I have read, like – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, What Matters Most & 48 Days To The Work You Love, to name a few.  They are all based around being intentional about your life, doing things, making things a habit so that you can keep moving forward in a positive way.

This book shares with you, the reader tips and habits that Lewis gathered when interviewing people.  There are lessons and practical exercises in this book that help anyone achieve greatness.

I have listened to this book many times and will continue to do so 🙂


Definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

When a career-ending injury left elite athlete and professional football player Lewis Howes out of work and living on his sister’s couch, he decided he needed to make a change for the better. He started by reaching out to people he admired, searching for mentors, and applying his past coaches’ advice from sports to life off the field. Lewis did more than bounce back: He built a multimillion-dollar online business and is now a sought-after business coach, speaker, and podcast host.

In the New York Times best seller The School of Greatness, Howes shares the essential tips and habits he gathered in interviewing “the greats” on his wildly popular podcast of the same name. In discussion with people like Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson and Pencils of Promise CEO Adam Braun, Howes figured out that greatness is unearthed and cultivated from within. The masters of greatness are not successful because they got lucky or are innately more talented but because they applied specific habits and tools to embrace and overcome adversity in their lives.

A framework for personal development, The School of Greatness gives you the tools, knowledge, and actionable resources you need to reach your potential. Howes anchors each chapter with a specific lesson he culled from his greatness “professors” and his own experiences to teach you how to create a vision, develop hustle, and use dedication, mindfulness, joy, and love to reach goals. His lessons and practical exercises prove that anyone is capable of achieving success and that we can all strive for greatness in our everyday lives.


©2015 Lewis Howes (P)2015 Audible, Inc.

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Book Review – The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How To Be One

The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How To Be One

Author: Peter B. Kyne
Sonya’s Review:  Once again, I stumbled across this book 🙂 A friend of mine recommended that I read The Go Giver, but when I got home I couldn’t remember the name, all i could remember was ‘The Go G’ part of it… So i searched that in Audible and found this book.  Assuming it was the correct book, I downloaded it and listened to it 🙂

And as per normal, it was a great book. It is all about honesty, determination, passion and responsibility and how to work hard, stay positive and succeed 🙂

Definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂


Publisher’s Summary

In The Go-Getter, Bill Peck, a war veteran, persuades Cappy Ricks, the influential founder of the Rick’s Logging & Lumbering Company, to let him prove himself by selling skunk wood in odd lengths – a job that everyone knows can only lead to failure. When Peck goes on to beat his quota, Rick hands Peck the ultimate opportunity and the ultimate test: the quest for an elusive blue vase.

Drawing on such classic values as honesty, determination, passion, and responsibility, Peck overcomes nearly insurmountable obstacles to find the vase and launch hia career as a successful manager.

In a time when jobs are tight and managers are too busy for mentoring, how can you maintain positive energy, take control of your career, and prepare yourself to ace the tests that come your way? By applying the timeless lessons in this compulsively listenable parable, employees at all levels can learn to rekindle the go-getter in themselves.


©2012 ABN (P)2011 ABN

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Book Review – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

Author: Stephen R Covey

Sonya’s Review:  So I had this book downloaded for quite a while, but never got around to reading it… When I started to read it, I would get distracted with something the book said and then go and do it.  A friend of mine then challenged me to actually read (or listen to it) the whole way through.  So one day I put it on while I was travelling and listened to it. 

This is another book that you really should read, AND implement.  

The 7 Habits are:

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Put first things first
  4. Think Win Win
  5. Seek first to understand, then be understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw

You really need to read the book to understand the habits, but once you have you then need to take action.  Your life will change for the better, I promise 🙂 


Publisher’s Summary

Stephen R. Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has been a top seller for the simple reason that it ignores trends and pop psychology for proven principles of fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity. Celebrating its 15th year of helping people solve personal and professional problems, this special anniversary edition includes a new foreword and afterword written by Covey that explore whether the 7 Habits are still relevant and answer some of the most common questions he has received over the past 15 years.

This audio edition is the first ever unabridged recording of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

©2004 Franlkin Covey (P)2004 FranklinCovey

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