One of the things I have learnt during my journey is to watch what the Universe provides for you. Often the Universe shows you things before you are aware of needing them, or it will provide them if you ask for guidance. If you are closed off and not aware that the Universe provides, you will miss the signs or wont understand them.
Yesterday I sat and thought about my blog, asked the Universe to provide for me the exact way I was going to do it. I knew that I wanted to blog every day. That I wanted to share my experiences everyday, but I didn’t want to bog people down or bore them or run out of things to say.
This morning I had a meeting with a close friend, mentioned this to him and BAMM!!! He provides me with the solution. And because I am open to the Universe providing I knew what he was telling me was the Universe’s gift.
Thank you Universe J
Oh this is such an exciting time for me. 🙂
Welcome to my blog, I am so glad that you have popped along to have a read. The main purpose of my blog will be to share with you my journey of Mindfulness, Spirituality and Happiness, but it will also be about sharing with you your own personal journey and giving you hints and tips on where to find help when you are feeling stuck or not really understanding what is going on.
What is Mindfulness I hear you say. The Oxford Dictionary has two definitions
1. The Quality or state of being conscious or aware of something – Simply being there with our body, with our physical sense of existence, is the mindfulness of body.
2. A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
Then we move on to Spirituality, you would probably have your own understanding of Spirituality, but the says that Spirituality is:
1. the quality or fact of being spiritual.
2. incorporeal or immaterial nature.
3. predominantly spiritual character as shown in thought, life, etc.; spiritual tendency or tone.
4. Often, spiritualities. property or revenue of the church or of an ecclesiastic in his or her official capacity.
Wikipedia says that Happiness is – a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
It is of such fundamental importance to the human condition that “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were deemed to be unalienable rights by the United States Declaration of Independence.
Why did I decide to go on this journey? About 15 years ago I went to my Doctor with mild depression, we talked about different things and then he basically said ‘sort your life out, because that is a much better option than going on antidepressants’. I will be forever grateful to him for this as this was one of the main instigators in me looking into Mindfulness and Spirituality.
I continued on this journey feeling pretty ok, not awesome or ecstatic but accepting that life is tough and you just had to live with it. Then I met my Life Coach and she showed me that life could be better. Then I went to a Psychiatrists appointment with a dear friend of mine whom I was supporting because she had Bipolar. Her Psychiatrist told me that I needed to sort my life out (we were there for her but apparently he had gotten to know me well enough over the last 3 years to know I was only ‘just ok’.) He said that sometimes people we are close to with a mental illness can’t get better until the person who is supporting them gets better.
The Pathway
So I then started to make changes, I looked into Holistic Health and I have undertaken work using the following methods:
- Working with my Life Coach
- Kinesiology
- Theta Healing
- Meditation
- Manifesting
- Law of Attraction
- Charka Balancing
- Using Crystals
- Tapping
I have attended workshops, webinars, courses all of which have helped me on my journey to Mindfulness, Spirituality and Happiness.
Where to from here?
I totally believe that I am only at the beginning of my journey, but the changes that I have made in my life and how I feel is totally amazing. I have been ‘hearing’ from my heart that I needed to share my journey with you all for some time now. It wasn’t until I had a session with my Life Coach the other day that I realised I needed to actually listen to my Self and start to share my journey with you all.
The Ultimate Goal
My Ultimate Goal is to have a Wellness Centre where people can come and attend workshops and one on one sessions to assist them in their path to Mindfulness, Spirituality and Happiness, but for now I am more than happy to share my journey with you and help you in anyway I can so you can have your own journey of Self discovery.
Question: Are you on a journey of Self discovery, Mindfulness, Spirituality and Happiness? I would love for you to share your story with me.