Key Person of Influence: The Five-Step Method to become one of the most highly valued and highly paid people in your industry
Author: Daniel Priestly
Sonya’s Review: So this is a fairly new book that has been added to my, must keep reading time and time again list 🙂
I had read one of Daniels other books – Oversubscribed and loved it. Then a friend of mine introduced me to Michael Clarke as he was coming to Cairns to do a seminar on the Key Person Of Influence. Michael and I caught up and I went to the seminar, listened to the book and totally fell in love with the concept.
I have been telling everyone about this book and even have the privildge of giving some of them away to people 🙂
Read it, and become a Key Person of Influence in your industry 🙂
Definitely a MUST read type of book 🙂
Publisher’s Summary
Every industry revolves around Key People of Influence. Their names come up in conversation. They attract opportunities. They earn more money. Many people think it takes decades of hard work, academic qualifications and a generous measure of good luck to become a Key Person of Influence.
This audiobook shows you that there is a five-step strategy for fast-tracking your way to the inner circle of the industry you love. Your ability to succeed depends on your ability to influence. Start now by listening to this audiobook.
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