Daily Gratitude
Harvard Medical School has done many studies into how expressing gratitude affects us. In one of their articles – Giving thanks can make you happier – they state: In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
They also stated that: Gratitude is a way for people to appreciate what they have instead of always reaching for something new in the hopes it will make them happier or thinking they can’t feel satisfied until every physical and material need is met. Gratitude helps people refocus on what they have instead of what they lack. And, although it may feel contrived at first, this mental state grows stronger with use and practice.
According to Bob Proctor’s article – The Science of Gratitude –
The Benefits of Gratitude
In 2018, The Greater Good Science Center published a white paper called “The Science of Gratitude” that outlined the following benefits of having a gratitude practice:
- increased happiness and positive mood
- more satisfaction with life
- less likely to experience burnout
- better physical health
- better sleep
- less fatigue
- greater resiliency
- development of patience, humility, and wisdom
This study also showed that groups that practice gratitude may have better social behaviours, stronger relationships, and increased job satisfaction.
In Bob Proctors’ article – How an attitude of gratitude changes everything – he takes us through his three-step gratitude exercise.

Books to help you with gratitude.
There are lots of books and journals out there that can help you with practising daily gratitude. Below are some from my favourite authors.
Sonya’s Products

Gratitude Journals
Practising Gratitude on a daily basis is something that many people tell us we need to do. But some days it is hard to identify what you are grateful for. So I have created a Daily Gratitude Journal that asks you a question every day to help prompt you on what you might be grateful for.
Even if you can only come up with that one thing and nothing else, it’s okay. When you have written down what you are grateful for, sit with it, feel the emotion of that gratitude and send a prayer of thanks for what you are grateful for.
You can purchase a copy of my Daily Gratitude Journal HERE.
This journal can be used in conjunction with the above journal or by itself.
To purchase it you can go HERE
This journal can be used in conjunction with the above journal or by itself.
To purchase it you can go HERE
Gratitude Images
Daily Gratitude 31.12
Happy New Year!!!! I hope the last 12 months has been amazing for you 🙂 What experience this month are you most grateful for? Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily....
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Well, that's a wrap on another week 😀 How was your week? Tell me, what happened this week that made you smile? 😀😀 Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main...
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What 3 people in life are you most grateful for? Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main page -> HERE
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How was your week? Tell me, what made you the most grateful this week? Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main page -> HERE
Daily Gratitude 16.12
Well, that's a wrap on another week 😀 How was your week? Tell me, what happened this week that made you smile? 😀😀 Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main...
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What are 5 things you are grateful for? Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main page -> HERE
Daily Gratitude 10.12
What was the best part of your day yesterday? Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main page -> HERE
Daily Gratitude 9.12
How was your week? Tell me, what made you the most grateful this week? Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main page -> HERE
Daily Gratitude 5.12
What are 3 things you are looking forward to? Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main page -> HERE
Daily Gratitude 2.12
Well, that's a wrap on another week 😀 How was your week? Tell me, what happened this week that made you smile? 😀😀 Don't forget to check out our Daily Gratitude Journal, which includes daily gratitude questions that can help you become grateful daily. See my main...