Do you want to change? Do you want more from your life? Are you sick of feeling down, or not getting anywhere, not having any money? Well, that was me for most of my life until 2012, then things began to change, slowly but surely. I am still on my journey to happiness, mindfulness and spirituality, but I want to share with you the path I have taken.
Make the Decision
I know what its like to sit around wishing your life was better. When I turned 30 I promised myself 4 things would happen by the time I was 40.
- That I would leave my husband (I was so unhappy in my relationship and had been for quite a few years)
- That I would have a successful business
- That I would be ‘rich’
- That I would own investment properties
Then I left it all to ‘just happen’. I now know that it doesn’t work like that. As the saying below says, Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. When I turned 40 I had achieved one thing – to leave my husband, nothing else had changed. It was then that I decided things had to change.
Once the decision to change was made the Universe started to provide things to me to help me change. As I was new to all this I didn’t recognise these things, or if I did I just ignored the signs. I met two amazing people – Julie who later became my Life Coach and Evan my Organic Grocer 🙂 and they started to talk to me about Law of Attraction, Mindfulness, Healthy Living etc.
What do you REALLY want?
Revising this page, now in 2019, things have changed for me slightly. What I would really encourage everyone to do right now is, yes stop reading this and do it right now. It is to sit with yourself, find a quiet place and sit with yourself and really think about things. Think about, what it is you REALLY want. If money, time and health weren’t an issue, what is it that you would really want to be doing with yourself/your life?
I have done this recently and it has been really powerful. I now have a Vision for my life, a Mission Statement and my Core Values.
It has taken a while to get there, but I am there, well at version 1 at least. 🙂 I will be revising these over time but for now, they are what they are. And that gives me something to focus on and work towards.
You can scroll to the end of this page and see what my personal Vision, Mission & Core Values are, or you can click HERE.
Growth / Lifelong Learning / Reading

Personal Growth is a Core Value of mine, I love learning. I love the above saying – If you are not learning, you are not living.
If there is something that I am interested in or something that someone tells me I should learn about, I do all that I can to learn about it. Knowledge gives you such power.
I had always enjoyed reading, but mostly novels. I had read a few Autobiography’s overtime, but not many. But after one of many coffees with my friend Evan he gave me a book to read – You Were Born Rich: Now You Can Discover and Develop Those Riches – It really resonated with me.
My reading path then leads to the following books:
Think and Grow Rich: The Original 1937 Unedited Edition
Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
and many more that are listed on my Recommended Books page.
I also have a Book Club, if you would like to be part of my Book Club, you can go HERE.
One of the things that I become curious about was – if all these amazing books were available to EVERYONE and they all made sense, then why wasn’t EVERYONE living amazing, abundant, happy lives????
The Answer
EVERYONE wasn’t living amazing, abundant, happy lives, because they weren’t working at it, they were like I was in my 30’s, wishing, hoping, praying for a better life, but not wanting to put in an effort to have a better life. Not wanting to change.
Now when I say ‘put in the effort’, I’m not talking about you spending hours on a treadmill and getting nowhere. Making change can be easy if you choose it to be. But you have to put in the effort, sitting back and waiting for it to just happen is not how it’s done.
The Self Help Industry is making a huge amount of money because people are searching for a way to have a better life, the problem is they aren’t willing to create a better life for themselves, they just want it to happen without effort.
If you want to put in the effort, perhaps you will be interested in my Personal Development Mastermind Group.
Life Coaching
I have a saying, I may have heard it from someone, or I may have just made it up myself, I can’t quite remember… BUT:
If you want to be an Olympic Champion, you have a health coach, technique coach, food coach, and many other coaches. For elite footballers we have pretty much the same, health coach, skills coach, head coach etc etc. If you want to have an amazing life, you will need coaches as well. A life coach, business coach (if you are in business), health coach and many more.
Years ago I was talking to a friend and they were making a joke that one of their friends had just become a Life Coach, they thought it was hilarious that people felt they needed a Coach in life. I thought it was an awesome idea and could see the sense in it totally. I never did more than just think of having a life coach at that stage.
Then I joined this organisation called BNI (to learn more about BNI and my journey you can go HERE). One of the KPI’s for BNI is to get to know the other members better so you can feel comfortable giving them referrals. My first life coach was in my BNI Chapter, so I use to have coffee meetings with her on a regular basis, every time I left the meetings I was inspired, I felt lighter and could see how I could make little changes. So after a while, I decided that this was the next step to me changing my life.
As you grow, you may ‘outgrow’ your life coach or your life may head in a different direction, so you need to move on to a different life coach. It doesn’t matter, I have had 2 life coaches over the past few years and both of them were awesome and gave me exactly what I needed at the time I was working with them.
I talk about how my first life coach changed my life in my blogs, so go over there and have a read.
I would recommend to you all to get yourself a Life Coach but do your research, you need to make sure that they ‘fit’ you and you ‘fit’ them 🙂 If you need help finding a life coach let me know and we can work through it.
Kinesiology / Energy Work
Not long after starting work with my first life coach, I met a Kinesiologist (yes she joined my BNI Chapter 🙂 ).
I love Kinesiology – Kinesiology is energy balancing of the body, physically, emotionally and bi-chemically, with many balancing techniques bringing the body back to a state of wellness.
I would go to have a life coaching session, work through a heap of things then set a goal/wish, then the next day is would go to see my Kinesiologist and work on the same goal/wish. Kinesiology just reinforced everything that I had worked on the night before with my life coach, it is so hard to describe, but it was truly amazing.
I would recommend to you all that, even if you are not working with a Life Coach, doing some work with an Energy Healer like a Kinesiologist is well worth it.
More Growth / Life Long Learning / Podcasts
Once my thirst for learning deepened I then started exploring other options besides books and training programs. My good friend Evan also introduced me to Podcasts and from that day on I couldn’t get enough of them.
If you would like to know what podcasts I recommend please go to my Recommended Podcast page.
According to Wikipedia, Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit[1] or as an end in itself.[2]
When my friend Jackie introduced me to meditation, it was the most amazing thing. I am so much calmer now than I have ever been. Meditation has so many benefits:
- Lowers blood pressure/slows down the cardiovascular system
- Restores balanced function to the digestive system, aiding the absorption of nutrients
- Relaxes the nervous system
- Relieves muscle tension
- Diminishes intensity of headaches/migraines
- Relieves insomnia
- Frees the mind from self-doubt and internal chatter
- Releases fears
- Reduces anxiety
- Improves depression
- Generates optimism, self-esteem, confidence and motivation.
Find somewhere that does Mediation in your area and give it a go, you will be amazed at how it can change your life.
Or you can go to my Recommended Meditation page and find out what I like listening to.
Start the change!
Now that I have given you some direction, GO FOR IT!!! Make the changes, make the effort, do something you have never done before.
I am here for you, email me, leave a comment on my blog, or contact me via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I would love to hear from you and I will try my best to reply to you all. I love helping people and I love seeing them grow and change.
Thank you so much for your support. Please make sure you say hi. 🙂
Sonya Noonan