As many of you would know I have a very strong faith. While living in Cairns I created a website called Living for God.
Living for God was created to give me and others like me a platform to talk about our journey of living with God.
It doesn’t matter where you are with your journey of living for God. You may be just starting, or you may have lived for God for many years, we want to connect with you.
Living for God is not about knowing that God exists, it’s about having a true relationship with him, wanting to please him, and doing what he wants you to do.
Living for God’s Mission
My purpose is to inspire people to live for God. To be their true self and to live a better life, to encourage them to be a better version of themselves, help them succeed and live happy, healthy lives.
Living or God’s Vision
To live for God and to share with people my journey so that it can motivate them to live for God as well.
To impact other positively by inspiring, motivating and loving them, to show them that living for God is a journey worth going on.
To help 1,000,000 people work towards having happier, healthier, more successful lives.
Please go and check it out -> HERE