Disclaimer: Please be aware, these are just my thoughts and my points of view. I do not have the authority to judge anyone, to preach to anyone or to try and convince anyone of anything. If you are offended by Religion, Faith or God please do not read this blog. If you are not a Christian please read this with an open mind or do not read it at all. if this blog offends you in any way, please accept my apologies, it was not meant for you.
The day I write this, I am a 49-year-old woman, who is currently on another journey in my life. At this age, I can sit back and realise that my life has been full of journeys and they have all created who I am today, either good or bad. Like everyone, my life has had different stages.
Childhood, where I was a daughter trying to work out my independence and where I stood in life while trying to please my parents.
Late teens/20’s, where I was still trying to work out my independence, figuring out how to be a partner/girlfriend/wife and a mother, feeling like I was not doing a good job at anything. While still trying to please everyone.
30’s/40’s, establishing life as a single mother, seeing what independence looked like, just surviving as best as I could while life threw everything it had at me. And still trying to please everyone.
To now. My ‘now’ started in 2016 and has had so many twists and turns that its been quite traumatic. BUT it has to lead me to today, where I am very aware that God is walking beside me and supporting me. I always knew this, but now I can feel it and I so so need him right now.
I have been ‘told’ to write my story. When I say ‘told’, I mean every day I have a little voice in my head telling me that I need to share my spiritual journey with people and it is getting louder and louder every day.
I am a questioner, someone who needs to understand all things that interest me. I am also a very spiritual person, who has ‘talked’ to God nearly every day of my life. I plan to live till I am 105, so I guess what I’m going through right now is what we would call a ‘midlife crisis’ 😛
I am a sharer. Not in a pushy way, but if people can benefit from my knowledge I will share it. If it helps people to get through something then I will share my experience. BUT I am also a very private person, so I do not openly let the whole world know about every part of my life.
The best way to share, for me is by blogging/writing something. That way I can pour my heart out and be 100% honest without seeing the look of judgement on people’s faces. So often I will have conversations with people, hold back my questions, or thoughts and then think it over for a while. Then in the next day or so, I will write them a message offering my thoughts or asking my questions.
I also have a policy that I will not express my hurt or anguish or thoughts with people until I ‘sit on it’ for a while. If in a few days I still feel the same way and I can not let it go, then I will send the person a message.
Oh, and I am someone who believes that there is good in everyone. I love everyone (some more than others 😛 ). Everyone is on their own journey and we do not have the right to judge anyone. We should be celebrating everyone’s success and supporting everyone when they need support. Just because people do, say, act in ways that we may not necessarily agree with us, does not make them ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ and us ‘good’ and ‘right’.
I was sitting talking to an Aunt one day shortly after I had had my 2nd child and she said to me, always remember to tell your children that what they did was naughty, not that they are naughty… no one is bad, their actions may be bad, but it doesn’t mean they are bad. This really sat with me… I have always remembered it. No-one is bad or evil, their actions may be bad and evil, but deep down they are just like all of us, trying to find their way in the world.
My mind is always thinking, always processing, always searching. I love learning 🙂
God has been in my life from as far back as I can remember, he has been a constant. Sometimes he is there as a very strong presence, other times he is in the background, with me knowing he is there if I ever need him. Like all of us, I have probably not lived the best life I could, but God does know I’ve tried.
I have struggled with religion, peoples opinions and actions. But I have never struggled with my belief in God, he is real, he does love me and he has my back. I have known this forever. This doesn’t mean I understand him or understand why somethings happen. But I do know that he is ‘real’…
I feel there is a lot to go through here, so over the next few blogs, you will hear about all the stages of my journey with God. You will receive as much background as I can remember and I will share with you my journey in the ‘now’…
These blogs will not have the ability to comment as I do not want to have any negative comments on here. But if you would like to reach out to me, you can by direct messaging me on Facebook (Messenger) => https://www.facebook.com/sonya.noonan1